Friday, August 27, 2010

At the movies...


Are you going to the movies this weekend? What do you plan on watching?  There are a few new movies that opened today. The one with the most buzz is Takers! With an all star cast bunch of C-list movie stars consisting of Matt Dillon, Hayden Christensen, Idris Elba, Michael Ealy, Tip Harris, Chris Brown, etc, it is sure to be a big draw at the box office.  Unless The has-beens Expendables holds up strong for a third week in a row.  Maybe I should really go see what all the hype is about in that action flick! 

Strictly for my amusement, I always check out movie reviews! Criticts are just that, critics! They are there to find fault.  They hardly sway my decision to watch a movie because i would rather form my own opinion.  Here are some gems from my favorite critics on Takers;

"The Italian Heat Job for Dummies"  Lol!
"Attempts at Quentin Tarantino-esque artiness go overboard."  *frown*

You get the gist of it.  Overall, the movie was panned by the critics but that has never stopped anyone.  Will you go see it?  Looking forward to getting 'real' people's feedback!

*Update: Saw it and it came up a little short for me! No particular actor stole the show.  Congrats on opening up number one despite showing in less theaters than The Last Exorcism.


Miss B said...
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Miss B said...

wewe Sal...my man Idris Elba in NOT a C-list actor!! LOL..He's the ONLY reason I want to go watch this movie. kwanza I heard he has a scene showing some mmhh, a must see for me ;)

Sally G said...

Wait, he's showing what? *runs to the movie theater*
lol! He's a talented actor and eye candy for the ladies but he's definitely a C-List actor. Not in the same class as Denzel Washington et al!
I will post a review once I get to see the movie. And yes, i will be objective:)