Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Another Mother's Day is here,
Bringing joy and pleasures new,
On this special day, Mother dear,
I want to remember you.
I cannot give you costly gifts,
And I've told you this before,
No matter what I give to you,
You give back much, much more.
I'm giving you a pure, sweet rose,  
This rose you planted in my heart,
The day that I was born.
In kindly, loving thoughts of you,
And with the faith you still impart,
The rose I give to you today,
Is the love that's in my heart.

Great moms/mums raise great kids! I salute you wonderful mothers for having a tough job that is often unappreciated but makes a BIG impact. Thank you for the gift of life mum! I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me: the nurturing, the sacrifices made, the prayers, the encouragement given etc etc... You deserve more than a day to be celebrated! 
I love you!


Eve said...

you forgot to mention she must be beaurriful... thats where u get ur looks from LOL!
Nice to see you back in action!

Sally G said...

Thank you Eve!!