Monday, August 29, 2011

TV Minute - MTV Video Music Awards (the recap)

Another night, another award show!  This one on MTV honoring the best in music videos.  An odd thing  considering MTV hardly plays any music videos in favor of reality tv which seems to have revolutionized television in the recent years. That being said, the best had to be honored last night at this annual event.

The show started out with an hour long pre-show that showcased some music, celebrity interviews on the black carpet, fashion and all the outrageousness that go along with a show of this magnitude! The set design was a little odd for me for a pre-show.   
Minutes before the actual show began, Beyonce confirmed that she was pregnant by flaunting a baby bump and actually rubbing it to further prove it!!  MTV immediately sent out a tweet confirming that the chosen one was indeed with child! Seconds later, the world was abuzz with the news!
Beyonce pretty much upstaged everyone by making that announcement!  She was positively glowing!

The show did not have host.  I guess after Chelsea Handler last year it was their best bet to go host-less! She sucked really bad! Kevin Hart did some behind-the-scene video clips that a regular host would have done.  

Lady Gaga opened the show with a perfomance of You and I.  All this while in drag.  She played her male alter-ego through the entire show.  While she did great as always, it was odd to see her this way!  We are used to Lady Gaga showing up at award shows in outrageous garb/vessel! I expected no different but I guess that does get tiring after a while!  But this didn't do her any favors given the fact that there have been doubts about her gender! No doubt, she was born that way - which ever it is!!

There were several noteworthy perfomances during the show which I will highlight below. 

  • Neyo & Pitbull performed their smash hit dance record,  Give Me Everything Tonight.  I absolutely love this song!!  Seems like every collaboration Pitbull does turns to a smash hit! 

Get More: 2011 VMA, Music, Pitbull

  • Jay Z & Kanye West performed Otis from the album Watch The Throne that's currently leading the charts in record sales.  The duo have the most over-zealous fans! Some dude in the audience had the balls to bum rush the stage while they were perfoming before quickly being whisked away!  Is that you Lil Mama? lol!!

  • Adele was simply put, AMAZING!!! No frills, no shrills just thrills & pure talent! Oh how I love thee Adele!

Get More: 2011 VMA, Music, Adele

  • Beyonce finally hit the stage with Love on Top after setting the twitterverse ablaze with her announcement on the black carpet!!  It was great a perfomance and those lyrics really hit home for her! Wait for the big reveal....  Congrats B & Jay!

Get More: 2011 VMA, Music, Beyoncé

  • Chris Brown was by far my favorite of the night! His was quite the perfomance!  There is no doubt that Breezy can dance his ass off but this performance was exciting and had elements of danger with that high flying trapeze act!  Way to go Breezy! If only JayZ could have at least applauded that act because it was GREAT! Still bitter about the Riri saga? Let's get over that already!  She has!

  • Amy Winehouse's tribute -  The tribute was good but lacking!  While I love totally swoon over Bruno Mars vocals,  British songstresses Adele (who was available) & Duffy should have been part of the tribute!  Let's hope the Grammy Awards will honor Amy, right.

The WTF moments went to the entire Young Money crew!!  Nikki Minaj was doing way too much!! That whole getup was weird and a total fashion failure!  Drake had on a button down sweater! Stop raiding your grandpa's closet!  Lil Wayne on other other hand was just a mess!! From his awful getup to the angry performance and mic hurl! Was that really necessary?! Yes, the world is well aware that you're beefing with Jay Z but please spare us!!  From the wise words (terms used loosely) of PaulyD from Jersey Shore please STD - Stop The Drama!!  ...and for for goodness sake, kill the auto-tune already!

Honorable mention goes to Jessie J for her amazing perfomances going into the commercial breaks!  Even with a broken leg, she had more stage presence than most able bodied folks!  She has some great vocals!!

For a list of all the winners click here.
For the fashion pics click here.

Quotable Quotes

"A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor" Unknown